A very interesting post about (un)hapinness from the Moodscope team. When you look back, how do you remember yourself? Memories ann moods does't always coincide. Read more: http://moodscope.blogspot.pt/2013/05/what-is-happiness-anyway.html  

  People differ in the way they react to emotions or painful feelings. Avoidance is not a good strategy. See for yourself the results of the research on Time: “When faced with a challenge, whether you deny the problems it …

Avoid or dive in? Ler mais »


Fifteen years ago management guru Tom Peters wrote about personal branding. People as brands. He asked: what makes you different from anyone else? Your education? Hundreds, thousands of people have the same formal education you do. Experience? Of course, but …

Your brand is you Ler mais »

I read this interesting article in Big Think about the techniques for learning. New studies have lead to different conclusions from what was previously believed. Being a lifetime learner I was drawn to some of these conclusions. The most striking …

Keep learning! But how? Ler mais »