A post worth being reposted: be aware of bad coaches
J. T. O'Donnell writes for careerealism.com. I found her post quite interesting and I'm reposting accordingly.
As in any other profession, bad coaches are a problem for the clients and for those who try to make the best of this job. I personaly think we have to be specially cautious with promises. Fact is, the success of the coaching process depends more on the client than on us coaches. We are facilitators, not magicians, and whoever says the contrary is lying.
Coaching (career coaching included) is a process of change and transformation that implies a full commitment both from coach and coachee. Can I promise you you'll be a different person in 3 months? Of course not. But I sure can help you with changing what's to change and improving what needs improving. In a way, be your own man (or woman). Provided you really want the changes to take place and are willing to persist for the time needed. Anyone has his own pace.
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